Learning from Gawad Kalinga: Rebuilding Communities To End Poverty

MANILA: GK has this slogan: Building communities to end poverty. In only 5 words, Gawad Kalinga has discovered the secret, the practical formula for eliminating poverty. UP with GK! Down with poverty! No poor left behind. Note that what GK is trying to do is: Not ending extreme poverty, as the World Bank would like us to do. World Bank, why do you want to leave millions of the poor behind? Not reducing poverty, as the United Nations' Food & Agriculture Organization, or FAO, desires, and as our very own National Economic & Development Authority, or NEDA, would have it. That is, towards a decline in the number of poor. FAO and NEDA, why not reduce poverty to zero? Can we really end poverty? Now, finally, I have the Bill Gates I had wanted all along, saying "We can end poverty by 2030" (Julie Bort, 21 January 2016, Business Insider, businessinsider.com ). That's 14 years from now. By that time, I will be 91 years old, near the end of...